Amiga Format CD 42
Amiga Format AFCD42 (Issue 126, Aug 1999).iso
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90 lines
// $Id: access.h,v 1.5 1999/03/09 14:37:15 shields Exp $
// This software is subject to the terms of the IBM Jikes Compiler
// License Agreement available at the following URL:
// http://www.ibm.com/research/jikes.
// Copyright (C) 1996, 1998, International Business Machines Corporation
// and others. All Rights Reserved.
// You must accept the terms of that agreement to use this software.
#ifndef access_INCLUDED
#define access_INCLUDED
#include "config.h"
#include "bool.h"
class AccessFlags
bool ACC_PUBLIC() { return access_flags & 0x0001; }
bool ACC_PRIVATE() { return access_flags & 0x0002; }
bool ACC_PROTECTED() { return access_flags & 0x0004; }
bool ACC_STATIC() { return access_flags & 0x0008; }
bool ACC_FINAL() { return access_flags & 0x0010; }
bool ACC_SUPER() { return access_flags & 0x0020; }
bool ACC_SYNCHRONIZED() { return access_flags & 0x0020; }
bool ACC_VOLATILE() { return access_flags & 0x0040; }
bool ACC_TRANSIENT() { return access_flags & 0x0080; }
bool ACC_NATIVE() { return access_flags & 0x0100; }
bool ACC_INTERFACE() { return access_flags & 0x0200; }
bool ACC_ABSTRACT() { return access_flags & 0x0400; }
bool ACC_STRICTFP() { return access_flags & 0x0800; }
void SetACC_PUBLIC() { access_flags |= 0x0001; }
void SetACC_PRIVATE() { access_flags |= 0x0002; }
void SetACC_PROTECTED() { access_flags |= 0x0004; }
void SetACC_STATIC() { access_flags |= 0x0008; }
void SetACC_FINAL() { access_flags |= 0x0010; }
void SetACC_SUPER() { access_flags |= 0x0020; }
void SetACC_SYNCHRONIZED() { access_flags |= 0x0020; }
void SetACC_VOLATILE() { access_flags |= 0x0040; }
void SetACC_TRANSIENT() { access_flags |= 0x0080; }
void SetACC_NATIVE() { access_flags |= 0x0100; }
void SetACC_INTERFACE() { access_flags |= 0x0200; }
void SetACC_ABSTRACT() { access_flags |= 0x0400; }
void SetACC_STRICTFP() { access_flags |= 0x0800; }
void ResetACC_PUBLIC() { access_flags &= (~ 0x0001); }
void ResetACC_PRIVATE() { access_flags &= (~ 0x0002); }
void ResetACC_PROTECTED() { access_flags &= (~ 0x0004); }
void ResetACC_STATIC() { access_flags &= (~ 0x0008); }
void ResetACC_FINAL() { access_flags &= (~ 0x0010); }
void ResetACC_SUPER() { access_flags &= (~ 0x0020); }
void ResetACC_SYNCHRONIZED() { access_flags &= (~ 0x0020); }
void ResetACC_VOLATILE() { access_flags &= (~ 0x0040); }
void ResetACC_TRANSIENT() { access_flags &= (~ 0x0080); }
void ResetACC_NATIVE() { access_flags &= (~ 0x0100); }
void ResetACC_INTERFACE() { access_flags &= (~ 0x0200); }
void ResetACC_ABSTRACT() { access_flags &= (~ 0x0400); }
void ResetACC_STRICTFP() { access_flags &= (~ 0x0800); }
u2 access_flags;
AccessFlags() : access_flags(0) {}
AccessFlags(u2& _access_flags) : access_flags(_access_flags) {}
#ifdef TEST
void Print()
cout << " access_flags: ";
if (ACC_PUBLIC()) cout << " public";
if (ACC_PRIVATE()) cout << " private";
if (ACC_PROTECTED()) cout << " protected";
if (ACC_STATIC()) cout << " static";
if (ACC_FINAL()) cout << " final";
// super and synchronized use the same bit!
if (ACC_SYNCHRONIZED()) cout << " super_or_synchronized";
if (ACC_VOLATILE()) cout << " volatile";
if (ACC_TRANSIENT()) cout << " transient";
if (ACC_NATIVE()) cout << " native";
if (ACC_INTERFACE()) cout << " interface";
if (ACC_ABSTRACT()) cout << " abstract";
if (ACC_STRICTFP()) cout << " strictfp";
cout << "\n";